It has become common to refer to the event at which Dr. King gave the "I Have A Dream" Speech as the March on Washington. Its real name was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
There's an important thing we miss if we shorten the name: King's work was as much about ECONOMIC EQUALITY as it was about racial equality. There's an argument to be made that the former, not the latter, got him killed.
As a sign of hope for the future during this very uncertain time, we've decided to make a cookie that leans into hopeful imagination of a world in which we are collectively investing in equality. A cookie celebrating the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) seemed like the perfect choice.
From their website:
The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED) is the nation’s first mayor led guaranteed income demonstration. Launched in February 2019 by former Mayor Michael D. Tubbs, SEED gave 125 randomly selected residents $500/month for 24 months. The cash was completely unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements.Â
Aiming to test a simple yet innovative solution to poverty and inequality, SEED’s preliminary findings show how just $500 a month can provide the dignity and agency that everyone deserves.
We'd love it if you would visit the SEED website to hear more about how things went. The cookie in celebration of their audacious social experiment is a thrice citrus kissed egg free whipped shortbread. The lighter portions contain both lemon and the zest and juice of California grown organic pomelos. The darker portions also have a generous dash of lime oil and poppyseeds. Our goal was to give you brightness and contrast. Lifegiving change requires bright and persistent hope that a different reality is possible. It requires working inside and outside of existing systems. It requires watering seeds of hope long planted by others. It requires love in action. May we plant. May we water. May people experience the love and freedom of fulfilled needs, hopes, and dreams because of us.Â